North Addison Baptist Church, Spokane, WA
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
~ A Place Where Your Faith Can Grow!


At North Addison Baptist Church you will find a varitey of ministries available to meet the needs of you and your family. Check out the links to the left for more information.


Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? Do you have a heart for service? Then North Addison Baptist Church has a place in ministry where you can serve.

Matt 9:37 ..."The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few"...

Many believers at NABC have already answered the call to serve. And as all believers are called to service in the cause of Christ, we will find a place for you to serve suited to your talents and desires.

To find out more contact the church office.



  North Addison Baptist Church, Spokane, WA.
6120 N. Addison, Spokane, WA 99208
Contact us at (509) 487-6757